Acez All Audio Converter  v3.0.0 + KEYGEN
Acez All Audio Converter v3.0.0 + KEYGEN

love Acez All Audio Converter is a powerful audio converter to convert audio files between MP3, MP2, MP1, MPEG, WAV, OGG, WMA and VOX formats. It includes all the features of Acez MP3 WAV Converter, and has the ability to convert to or from OGG, WMA, VOX audio files. Also Acez All Audio Converter has a build-in audio player to play MP3, MP2, MP1, MPEG, WAV, OGG, WMA, VOX audio files.

Acez All Audio Converter is user friendly and easy to use. It works for all Windows platform.

Main features of Acez All Audio Converter:

* Convert audio files between 5 popular audio formats:
Acez All Audio Converter can convert audio files from one type to the same type but with different frequency, channel, bitrate, quality and so on.
* Acez All Audio Converter supportes 4 wav formats: Microsoft PCM, Microsoft ADPCM, DSP Group TrueSpeech, GSM. Select the frequency, channel, bits per sample of the output wave file.
* Acez All Audio Converter uses MP3 Lame Encoder; Support selecting frequency, channel, bitrate, encoder quality; HighPass Filter, LowPass Filter; CBR, ABR, VBR encoding modes available. 16 kinds of presets MP3 formats.
* Acez All Audio Converter supports selecting OGG frequency, channel, nominal bitrate; VBR Enabled; Quality Enabled.
* Acez All Audio Converter has a list of supported WMA formats.
* Acez All Audio Converter supports selecting frequency of the output VOX files.
* Build-in audio converter: Play audio files of MP3, MP2, MP1, MPEG, WAV, OGG, WMA, VOX formats.
* Auto rename, skip, or overwrite options for existing file.
* Easy to use and user friendly.


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DVDStyler 1.8.1  (+Portable)
DVDStyler 1.8.1 (+Portable) | 15.81 Mb

DVDStyler is a cross-platform DVD authoring application that makes possible for video enthusiasts to create professional-looking DVDs. Ñreation and burning DVD video with interactive menus. Support of AVI, MPEG and other file formats. Support of MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, Xvid, MP2, MP3, AC-3 and other audio and video formats. Using MPEG and VOB files without reencoding, see FAQ. Allows put files with different audio/video format on one DVD (Support of titleset). Uuser-friendly interface with Support of drag & drop. Flexible menu creation on the basis of scalable vector graphic.

Import of image file for background. Placing of buttons, text, images and other graphic objects anywhere on the menu screen. Changing the font/color and other parameters of buttons and graphic object. Scaling of buttons and graphic objects. Coping of any menu object or whole menu.

The main DVDStyler features are:
• you can drag and drop MPEG files directly
• you can create NTSC/PAL menus
• you can import image file for background
• you can place text and images anywhere on the menu screen
• you can change font/color
• you can put buttons, change font and colors
• you can copy and paste any menu object
• you can set chapters for each movie
• you can change post command for each movie

Version 1.8.1
* added possibility to change subtitle options
* added support of VCD and half D1 resolutions
* added validation of custom actions
* some other small changes

Home Page -


Thnak's :


DJ.Studio.Pro.v7. |Size: 20.46 mb


DJ Studio Pro offers you a twin deck DJ player with auto fade and auto beat match. DJ Studio Pro will help you convert between all audio formats, Grab CD audio to any format with CDDB album info service and find album covers for CD’s and audio files. With DJ Studio Pro you can also create Audio CDs, edit all audio formats, add effects, normalize, fade in / out, amplify, create clips, split files. You can even change and memorize song speed or pitch separately. DJ Studio Pro includes smart ID3 tag editor, lyrics editor and album cover image editor.

Download link

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Beberapa waktu yang lalu ada salah satu obat blogger merequest software yang cukup unik menerut saya. Kenapa unik?? karena dia merequest tentang software yang dapat mengunci komputer atau notebook ketika flashdisk di cabut, jadi flashdisk itu menjadi master key nya. Keren kan???

Kemudian, saya pun langsung melakukan pencarian dan bertanya pada master oh master dunia maya, siapa lagi kalau bukan om google. Setelah melakukan pencarian yang cukup lama, akhirnya saya menemukan juga software nya. Software ini bernama ID UB Lock Key 1.2. Terus bagaimana cara menggunakan nya?? caranya sangat mudah kok sob, silakan ikuti panduan nya dibawah ini.

Jalankan ID USB Lock key (pastikan sudah di crack dan jadi fullversi). Kemudian klik generate, untuk mendapatkan key masternya.

Bila sudah, silakan cek flashdisk sobat blogger. (sudah terdapat keynya belum), kalau nggak muncul key nya, silahkan perhatikan gambar berikut.

Muncul kan??? heheh
Coba sekarang anda cabut (disconnect) flashdisk anda, kemudian klik kanan icon yang berada di system tray, klik lock the computer. Maka akan tampil seperti berikut :

Untuk mengaktifkan nya kembali, slahkan masukan flashdisk anda kembali. Taraaaa,,, keren kan??

Selamat Mencoba

NB : Software ini sudah saya uji coba dan berjalan dengan baik.

Download ID USB Lock

Thank's :
Anda kesal dengan koneksi internet yang tidak stabil dan Lambat? Cobalah beberapa cara dibawah ini untuk mempercepat koneksi internet baik secara manual ataupun memakai Software.

Cara pertama :
  1. Klik start
  2. pilih run
  3. ketik ncpa.cpl
  4. Ok
  5. Kemudian klik kanan pada aplikasi aktif
  6. pilih propertis
  7. pada networking / general tab
  8. --> pilih internet protocol (TCP/IP)
  9. --> properties
  10. --> pilih Use DNS (Domain Name Server) dan ketik :
  • pada box preferred dan
  • pada box alternate
Klik OK

Cara Kedua :
Pada dasarnya komputer windows sudah membatasi bandwidth koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth yang seharusnya secara otomatis, jadi kalau ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tsb.

Caranya lakukan setting seperti cara dibawah ini:
  1. Klik Start
  2. Klik Run
  3. Ketik gpedit.msc
  4. kemudian klik Ok
  5. Setelah masuk klik Administrative Templates
  6. kemudian Klik Network
  7. setelah terbuka klik QoS Packet scheduler
  8. kemudian klik Limit Reservable Bandwidth
  9. Dan setelah terbuka ubah setting menjadi Enable
  10. Kemudian ubah Bandwidth Limitnya menjadi 0
  11. Klik Apply,ok
  12. Kemudian keluar dan Restart komputer.
Cek dengan melakukan speedtest untuk mengetes bandwidth yang dimiliki. klik saja link di bawah untuk lakukan test

Trik ini berlaku untuk OS Windows, dan bisa diterapkan untuk semua macam browser, dan kini akses internet sudah didongkrak.
Saya sarankan gunaan Mozilla Fireworks sebagai default browser.

Cara Ketiga :
  1. Klik Start.
  2. Klik Control Panel.
  3. Pilih Network Connections
  4. Klik icon Modem.
  5. Pilih Properties
  6. Setelah masuk, klik Configure pada mode yang digunkan
  7. Pada tab General, ubah Maximum Speed menjadi 115200.
  8. Pindah ke tab Connection dan klik tombol Port Setting.
  9. Dari kotak dialog Advanced Port Setting, beri tanda check pada Use FIFO buffers. Kemudian ubah Receive Buffer menjadi 14 dan Transmit Buffer menjadi 16. Lalu klik OK.
  10. Klik button Advanced, beri tanda check pada Use Flow Control. Kemudian pilih radio button Hardware. Pada bagian Extra Setting, isi dengan &C1&D2E1Q0V1X4%C0 S7=55 S11=55 S0=0.

Cara Keempat :
Matikan Update Window
Bagi yang menggunakan softwere copy saya sarankan untuk melakukan ini, karena jika Update Windows yang anda lakukan ke internet akan sia-sia, selain ga akan mengubah apapun pada komputer anda, tentunya hal lain yang di timbulkan akan membuat koneksi internet kita menjadi lamban dan berkurang kecepatannya,
bagi yang menggunakan Windows asli pun juga begitu, kecepatan internetnya akan berkurang, saya sarankan matikan saja Update Automatisnya.

Untuk mengnon-aktifkafkan program itu silakan lihat di bawah ini

  1. Klik Start.
  2. Klik Control Panel
  3. Klik Security Centre
  4. lalu pilih Automatic Update
  5. lalu pilih dan tandai Turn Off Automatic Updates
  6. Klik Ok
Nah diatas adalah cara mempercepat koneksi internet tanpa menggunkan software sama sekali. Sekarang akan saya jelaskan cara terakhir. Yaitu dengan menggunakan software ..

Cara Kelima :
Ada banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mempercepat koneksi ke internet, salah satunya adalah dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi TCP/IP Optimizer. Aplikasi ini bekerja memaksimalkan fungsi dari ethernet card yang menggunakan protocol TCP/IP sebagai protocol standar dalam jaringan internet.

Berikut cara mengkonfigurasi TCP/IP Optimizer :

1. Download aplikasi TCP/IP Optimizer disini!!
2. Setelah selesai, jalankan aplikasi dan klik tab General Setting, sesuaikan kecepatan koneksi internet anda dengan menggeser button Connection Speed.
3. Klik Network Adapter dan pilih interface yang anda gunakan untuk hubungan ke internet
4. Centang pilihan Optimal settings, kemudian klik tombol Apply changes
5. Restart komputer untuk memperoleh efek dari TCP/IP Optimizer

Selamat Mencoba .

Sumber Referensi : Kang Salman

Thank's :

1Click DVD Copy Pro ¨C Win7 Compatible

1CLICK DVD COPY PRO is a fast, easy-to-use, full featured software for copying DVD movies onto DVD discs. The latest version now incorporates CPRx technology to ensure the highest level of success copying the latest generation of DVD movies. You now have complete control over the final copy. Use the Copy Presets??? or the more advanced features to select what content will be copied and how much compression will be used. With 1CLICK DVD COPY ¨C PRO, you can make a perfect copy with just one click.


General sources

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Anti-Porn Pro

Windows Software | Anti-Porn | 5.24 MB

You don't let your kids read just anything, do you? Well, when they surf the Internet, which have not any filter, they can see whatever emerges from it, unless you're there to assign Anti-Porn to company with them as the net filtering software.
Features of Anti-Porn:
· Filter out porn websites - Anti-Porn has blocked ten thousands of porn websites.Besides,you can predefine websites you don't let kids visit by yourself
· Update online - Library of porn websites updates weekly.
· Realtime filter - Realtime porn-filter technique can filter any porn website,which appears recently.
· Close before Display - Anti-Porn check the whole contents of webpage quickly,and will close the forbidden webpage before kids see it.
· Limit internet chat - Anti-Porn can limit to use popular chat softwares and limit to access to major chat rooms.
· Time synchronization - Anti-Porn auto synchronize local time with global time.
· Limit internet access by day and time - You can easily assign internet access time at certain hours, even on specific day.
· History log - Anti-Porn keeps a detail log of all websites visited, filtered out or not.
· Screen log - Anti-Porn makes screen snap every certain interval,which is setted by yourself.
· Recommend trusted websites - Anti-Porn has recommended several websites, which fit for children. You can also add in any websites by yourself.
· Password protection - Anyone can't close Anti-Porn without correct password

Title: Anti-Porn Pro
Developer: tuEagles Inc
Updated: 2010.06
License / Price: 39,95$(patch)
Language: Multilanguage
Platform: Windows 2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7
Size: 5.24 mb

Anti-Porn Pro


Home Plan Pro

Home Plan Pro v5.2.19.3 Portable Home Plan Pro provides a full array of graphic tool buttons to let you easily pick a tool or action. Once you choose a tool, Home Plan Pro tells you how to use it. You may use the mouse or keyboard, or both, to create your plan.
Home Plan Pro gives you many choices for printing your plans. You may select a specific scale, or elect to have your plan printed at the largest size that will fit on the paper you select.

Home Plan Pro includes the home design tools you need:
* Easily draw arcs, rectangles, circles, lines, and so forth.
* Use the mouse, keyboard, or a combination of both.
* Add scaled dimensions with two clicks.
* Insert doors and windows with equal ease.
* Zoom in or out with a click to work on detailed parts of the plan or to see the whole of it.
* Create Layers that you can make invisible or visible at a click
* Draw a plot plan using metes and bounds. Calculate the area and acreage.


General sources

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Ever want to boot up into Windows XP via a USB flash drive? Well, now you can. This is a miniature version of Windows XP. So you can restore from backup, access your files, or do whatever you have to do.

Installation instruction are included.
60 MB
download here:

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VerseQ is a mix of modern technologies. It took years to develop and study the efficiency of adaptive learning technology with in-depth feedback. Some of its features may look questionable and surprising, but do not let that worry you. VerseQ's methodology had taken years to develop and fine-tune, before it got in this shape. VerseQ and KeyTO, its predecessor, already helped thousands to master 10-finger typing painlessly.


* Yes, you can pick up touch-typing today, in as little as an hour. Yes, you will type your first letter to a friend without looking! No more hunting and pecking!
* After 5 to 15 hours with VerseQ your typing speed will be 40 to 80 words per minute.

No discrimination

* Absolute guarantee to anyone, who worked with VerseQ for over an hour.
* VerseQ is effective regardless of your age and temper.


* VerseQ's technology leaves no place for nervous strain. To the contrary, VerseQ helps you to relax in process.

No entry level skills

* Good as a beginner's main trainer.
* Perfect tool to eliminate weak spots and increase your typing speed.
* Good warm-up tool for a pro.
* A must for those, who were unsuccessful with standard typing tutors and got stuck somewhere in the main row. With VerseQ you will be able to type with 10 fingers today, at 15-30 words per minute.

Downhill learning curve

* VerseQ is optimized for individual studies, where self-motivation is the key. This is why with VerseQ the first hour is the toughest, and then it gets easier and easier. This makes effective use of your first impulse to master touch typing and keeps your motivation going.
* Downhill learning curve helps to increase your typing speed quickly, with no psychological barriers to overcome.

Using your abilities to the maximum

* VerseQ does not limit you in any way. We have evidence, when absolute beginners came up with up to 30 words per minute after ONE hour of training.

VerseQ is a mix of modern technologies. It took years to develop and study the efficiency of adaptive learning technology with in-depth feedback. Some of its features may look questionable and surprising, but do not let that worry you. VerseQ's methodology had taken years to develop and fine-tune, before it got in this shape. VerseQ and KeyTO, its predecessor, already helped thousands to master 10-finger typing painlessly.


Thank's :

Portable RapidTyping v3.2.6 | 5.01 MB

Enhance your typing skills with a new-generation typing tutor! RapidTyping will allow you to learn how to use your keyboard more efficiently in a few easy courses. Children will learn by playing a fun game, while students and adults can choose pre-configured lessons or create their own training courses.

RapidTyping teaches adults and kids, students and teachers, and has advanced reporting and progress tracking for every student. Advanced statistics include 15 different parameters, such as words-per-minute, characters-per-minute and accuracy reports. The innovative typing tutor features a simple and intuitive user interface painted with colors to make learning to type fun.

The typing tutor offers many visual aids to help adults and kids learn the computer keyboard, and includes full course statistics in both tables and diagrams. Multiple user support makes RapidTyping a perfect tool for educational facilities such as schools and universities. Professional typists, teachers and writers will find the ability of RapidTyping to create courses tailored to each student truly invaluable.

Custom courses allow designing your very own typing tutor tailored specifically to your needs. Whether it's a certain key, set of keys or a keyboard layout that you need to learn, a custom-made typing tutor is your best bet. RapidTyping Tutor includes a complete virtual keyboard with both hands moving over it to demonstrate the proper typing position for each hand and finger.

Highlighted zones for each finger help you learn placing your fingers properly a second nature in no time. For non-standard layout users, RapidTyping will automatically create a new virtual keyboard based on your chosen layout. You can learn typing on multiple keyboard layouts by quickly switching between them.

Here are some key features of "Portable RapidTyping":

Virtual Keyboard:
To help you learn how to place your fingers on the keyboard, Typing Tutor will display a virtual keyboard with zone highlights.

Choose Your Keyboard:
There are more types of keyboards than just QWERTY, including AZERTY, ABNT2, and Dvorak to name a few.

Moving Hands:
To make learning even more fun while teaching you how to type correctly, Typing Tutor displays two moving hands over the keyboard.

Progress Tracking:
Evaluate your or your kids performance at any time by simply looking at charts! Rapid Typing Tutor tracks your progress, and allows you to see your results at any time.

Make Your Own Plan:
Plan your lessons according to your skills and capabilities. Rapid Typing Tutor offers you complete freedom of learning, allowing you to make your own lessons and plan your studies. No need to force yourself into a Procrustean bed of pre-defined learning plans!

Multiple users support:
Multiple users with their personal settings are supported.

Most important Rapid Typing Tutor 3.2.5 features include the following:

- Added the control "Sound" in the main window;
- Added the background music;
- Added more 30 sound effects;
- Added the mode of the random choose of sound effect;
- Added support of the sound schemes.
- Added Farsi interface language. Thanks to Ardeshir Abasi
- Added support right-left interface.
- Fixed bug with "Wait cursor" on the some dialog boxes.

Homepage -
Download from Hotfile
Download from Ugotfile: Code:

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phpDesigner 7 Keygen - Latest  Version

phpDesigner 7 is more than just a powerful and lightning fast PHP IDE and PHP EDITOR - it's also a full-featured HTML-, CSS- and JavaScript editor boosted with features so you can get your work done -- for both beginners and professional developers!

phpDesigner 7 assists you with everything from editing, analyzing, debugging to publishing websites powered by PHP, HTML, CSS to JavaScript plus other languages!

phpDesigner 7 supports not only working with your favorite PHP frameworks but also popular JavaScript frameworks jQuery, Ext JS, YUI, Dojo, MooTools and Prototype!

Feature loaded but still fast and intuitive to use and learn!

Full-blown PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor!

Advanced code tip and code completion with OOP!

Debug and profile your PHP scripts with Xdebug!

Work with all PHP- and popular JavaScript frameworks!

Work with files over FTP/SFTP and TortoiseSVN support!


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From the long time i hav been looking for face recognisation software(searched and found banana soft,veriface,dell face recog on my hp but none of them worked.At last i found this software and it worked perfectly.Reply if u like this..
The new face identification and face verification features of Luxand FaceSDK allow developers build non-intrusive biometric authentication systems, and effectively enable touchless logins by simply looking into a webcam.
Traditional Biometric Identification

Biometric identification is the fastest, most secure and most convenient method of identifying computer users. When talking about biometrics, most people think of fingerprints. Many don't feel good giving away their fingerprints here and there, considering this to violate their privacy. Iris scan is another option that involves expensive hardware and exotic software. For this reason, iris-based identification is mostly used in the airports.
Face-Based Biometric Identification

The least obtrusive and least objectionable method of biometric identification is based on images of a human face. Just looking into a webcam for a second enables instant identification, effectively allowing computer users to login into their PCs by simply looking at it.


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