> Story Mode Update
Nah, padapatch kali ini Update story episode 2 telah hadir, dan bagi kawand2 yang gemar berhadapan dengan NPC, silakan dah hajarNPCnya di sotry episode 2. ;we
> 45 New song
> 100 new avatar
> new pet
> UPdatae Mark Item
Thank's : http://ayodance.megaxus.com/
ArcConvert 0.61 Portable | 5.37 Mb
This convertor can convert the following archives: 7-ZIP, LZH, CAB, ZIP, ARJ, ACE, RAR, TAR, TGZ, GZ, Z, BZ2, YZ1, YZ2, GCA, BEL, RPM, DEB, BH, Noa32, HKI, PAQAR, SQX,HA,ZOO,UHARC,LFB, ZLIB, UCL, IMP, RS, SPL, APK, Arc, DZ, MSI, ALZ, PMA, PAQ7, CHM, UDA, PAQ8, Cryptonite, ISO, LZOP, BMA, ZIP AES (128,192,256), Nanozip Alpha, XZ, FreeArc to the following ones: ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, HKI, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, FreeArc, ARJ. Includes the EXE from the archiver. Automatic password detection from archive. Multilanguage: Dutch, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Spain, Taiwan. Info for japanese user (use the systemfont MS UI Gothic or change it in the my_font.cfg).-
Home Page - http://archivconvert.sourceforge.net/
Thank's : http://www.freshwap.net/
Nero 10.0 + Serials + Keygen | 293.13 MB
Nero Vision Xtra is the sweet spot of the Nero Multimedia Suite 10. It works kind of like a beginner’s version of Final Cut Pro, but with the easier interface of even iMovie. That also means that you don’t need a Mac to edit together a snazzy looking video. The software also lets you import video easily from any of your mobile devices – Nero will support just about any file type. So you won’t need to download a codec for your software to recognize it. Just plug in your iPhone, BlackBerry, or camcorder and pull the video off. Once you do, you can start the editing process. The interface is robust, but not so much so that you become overwhelmed. Within in a few clicks you can have a movie made with special effects, rotations, sound overlays, and then have your masterpiece uploaded to YouTube. So yes, you can easily upload your videos directly to YouTube just as you would with iMovie, but this time it’s for the PC.
Nero Burning ROM hasn’t changed much since its most recent version, but this time there is support for Blu-Ray burning and playback without the need of a plugin. You can also split up data that may be too big to burn on to one disc – on to multiple discs. You can also set the region for discs you want to burn or enable SecurDisc for protection of your files. Again the interface is simple and reminiscent of the previous versions. So those who are concerned that Nero ROM has been transformed – no need to worry – it’s exactly the same, but with a few enhancements.
The third portion of the Nero 10 suite is the Nero BackItUp & Burn app – this is basically a one-step solution for users to select partitions, folders, or hard drives to back up. You can opt to select to backup specific folders every day, or when changes are done. You can also search folders of older back-ups in case you overwrite it in the future and need to retrieve an older version. Backups can be started manually or on a schedule as well, and are easily done with a few clicks. Once again, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out this software, and your files will be backed up in case your hard drive decides to head south for the winter.
Thank's : http://www.freshwap.net/
Calon Bupati Sarolangun Periode 2011-2016
Calon Bupati Sarolangun Periode 2011-2016
--- BIODATA ---
TTL : Desa Ladang Panjang, Kec. Sarolangun. 28 April 1958 ( PUTRA DAERAH )
Agama : Islam
Alamat Rumah : 1. Jl. K. Pattimura, No.82, Jambi.
2. Desa Ladang Panjang, Kec. Sarolangun.
Istri : Hj. ELVIA, Skm
Anak : 1. Mutiara Vani, SFarm
2. Perdana Putra
3. Ramadhan Dwi Putra
Riwayat Pendidikan :
1. SDN 48 Desa LAdang Panjang
2. MAdrasah Ibtida'iyah (MIS) Desa Ladang Panjang
3. SMPN 1 Sarolangun
4. SMA JAmbi
5. Strata I ( S-I ) Hukum Universitas JAmbi ( UNJA )
6. Strata II ( S-II ) Hukum Universitas Jambi.
1. Advokad / Penesehat Hukum pada kantor NASRI OEMAR, SH., MH & Associates
2. Ketua Lembaga bantuan hukum Jambi
3. Anggota DPRD Provinsi Jambi Periode 2004-2009
4. Pengurus DPW PAN prov. JAmbi s/d 2009.
Kutipan Favorit
Mari BERsama SAtu TUjuan ( BERSATU ) :
> Untuk Membangun Sarolangun Lebih Baik dan Maju
> Untuk Perubahan Kepemimpinan Sarolangun
> Untuk Mendapatkan Pendidikan Gratis ( Semunya kebutuahn untuk pendidikan )
> Untuk Mendapatkan Jaminan Kesehatan Gratis ( MAsyarakat tidak mampu akan mendapatkan Jaminan asuransi kesehatan yang mana kalau sakit biaya akan di tanggung oleh Asuransi )
> Untuk Mendapatkan Bantuan Hukum Gratis.
Buat kawand-kawand dan rekan-rekan cukup klik link di bawah ini untuk partisipasinya dalam menwujudkan cita-cita rakyat Sarolangun yang menginginkan perubahan dalam kepemimpinan dalam daerah Kabupaten Sarolangun; Jambi; Sumatera; Indonesia
trus, yang udah klik dan bergabung dengan grup.. thank's regard dah..
TTL : Desa Ladang Panjang, Kec. Sarolangun. 28 April 1958 ( PUTRA DAERAH )
Agama : Islam
Alamat Rumah : 1. Jl. K. Pattimura, No.82, Jambi.
2. Desa Ladang Panjang, Kec. Sarolangun.
Istri : Hj. ELVIA, Skm
Anak : 1. Mutiara Vani, SFarm
2. Perdana Putra
3. Ramadhan Dwi Putra
Riwayat Pendidikan :
1. SDN 48 Desa LAdang Panjang
2. MAdrasah Ibtida'iyah (MIS) Desa Ladang Panjang
3. SMPN 1 Sarolangun
4. SMA JAmbi
5. Strata I ( S-I ) Hukum Universitas JAmbi ( UNJA )
6. Strata II ( S-II ) Hukum Universitas Jambi.
1. Advokad / Penesehat Hukum pada kantor NASRI OEMAR, SH., MH & Associates
2. Ketua Lembaga bantuan hukum Jambi
3. Anggota DPRD Provinsi Jambi Periode 2004-2009
4. Pengurus DPW PAN prov. JAmbi s/d 2009.
Kutipan Favorit
Mari BERsama SAtu TUjuan ( BERSATU ) :
> Untuk Membangun Sarolangun Lebih Baik dan Maju
> Untuk Perubahan Kepemimpinan Sarolangun
> Untuk Mendapatkan Pendidikan Gratis ( Semunya kebutuahn untuk pendidikan )
> Untuk Mendapatkan Jaminan Kesehatan Gratis ( MAsyarakat tidak mampu akan mendapatkan Jaminan asuransi kesehatan yang mana kalau sakit biaya akan di tanggung oleh Asuransi )
> Untuk Mendapatkan Bantuan Hukum Gratis.
Buat kawand-kawand dan rekan-rekan cukup klik link di bawah ini untuk partisipasinya dalam menwujudkan cita-cita rakyat Sarolangun yang menginginkan perubahan dalam kepemimpinan dalam daerah Kabupaten Sarolangun; Jambi; Sumatera; Indonesia
trus, yang udah klik dan bergabung dengan grup.. thank's regard dah..
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