tutorial :
1. extrak dixi.rar
2. buka gesp 1.3
3. jalan PB yg warna biru
4. start nnti inject sendiri
5. select DLL for injector nya
6. pilih dixi.dll
7. inject ntar kluar notice d ok ja
Hotkey :
F11 = RPG Mode
F12 = Field Mission Hack (Misi Mayor) dan juga Pangkat Gm
Mission Exp & Master Medal Hack
Hal paling pertama dilakukan adalah menghapus (delete) semua misi yang sudah ada sebelumnya,
sehingga tidak tersisa satu misi apapun.
Kemudian silakan beli misi apa saja yang hendak dibeli, misal beli aja Field Mission karena exp gede
(tekan F12 untuk hack jika grade di bawah mayor)
Setelah misi berhasil dibeli, tutup jendela Mission dan kembali ke lobby dan ikuti langkah di bawah
sesuai urutan:
- Langkah selesaikan kartu misi ke-satu (1)
1. Klik Mission
2. Klik & pilih kartu nomor pertama (1)
3. Keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) dan stand-by di lobby
4. Tekan keyboard [F1]
5. Klik Mission lagi, keliatan kalau kartu ke-satu sudah selesai,
kemudian keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) sambil perhatikan exp bar-nya (bertambah)
- Langkah elesaikan kartu misi ke-dua (2)
1. Klik Mission
2. Klik & pilih kartu nomor kedua (2)
3. Keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) dan stand-by di lobby
4. Tekan keyboard [F2]
5. Klik Mission lagi, keliatan kalau kartu ke-dua sudah selesai,
kemudian keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) sambil perhatikan exp bar-nya (bertambah)
dan lakukan sampe kartu misi ke-sepuluh...
- lakukan langkah-langkah seperti di atas sampe semua misi selesai, dengan catatan keyboard yang ditekan
F1 = Kartu pertama
F2 = Kartu kedua
F3 = Kartu ketiga
F4 = Kartu keempat
F5 = Kartu kelima
F6 = Kartu keenam
F7 = Kartu ketujuh
F8 = Kartu kedelapan
F9 = Kartu kesembilan
F10 = Kartu kesepuluh
- Terakhir, kalau semua misi sudah selesai, silakan join ke room apa aja untuk mendapatkan bonus dari misi yang telah kita selesaikan.
Creadit : Rino.com
Thank's : http://maniakayodance.blogspot.com/
These activators can be used to activate games from most of the games publishers. This compilation of activators is a must-have handy tool for game lovers! Get a game (trial version) from any of the publisher and use this tool to make it full version…
Include activations for :
*Lolo.ru & Mail.ru
*Real Arcade
*Reflexive Arcade
*CD Key List
Download size: 12.9MB
Thank's : http://www.rozy.web.id/
MyPaint 0.9.0 Beta 1 Portable | 17.03 Mb
Take a look at the screenshots to see the program in action before downloading and trying it for yourself!
* exists for several platforms
* supports pressure sensitive graphics tablets
* extensive brush creation and configuration options
* unlimited canvas (you never have to resize)
* basic layer support
Thank's : http://www.freshwap.net/
Folder Lock is a fast file-security software that can lock, hide or encrypt any number of files, folders, pictures and documents in seconds. It is fast, reliable, portable and convenient. Folder Lock is a computer software application that password protects and locks your personal files and folders.
Folder Lock it makes your files undeletable, hidden and highly secure, hides files from kids, friends and co-workers, safeguards them from viruses, trojans, worms and spyware, protects them from networked computers, cable users and hackers.
Files can also be protected on USB Flash Drives, Memory Sticks, CD-RW, floppies and notebooks. Protection works even if files are taken from one PC to another on a removable disk, without the need to install any software.
You can optionally lock and/or encrypt files & folders. It can even lock your PC. It locks files on kernel level, Windows Explorer and even real DOS Mode.
Here are some key features of "Folder Lock":
· Users have an option whether to Encrypt or Lock, choices useful for both power users and casual users. Those who want ultimate security, can choose encrypiton. those who want ultimate speed, can choose locking.
· There’s no longer the hassle of encrypting each and every file on different locations. Think how much time you will save simply by putting all your files and folders in one location. Convenient encryption and decryption happens on-the-fly.
· Both Encryption and Locking are exceptionally fast. No competitor is offering this speed while offering 100% secure 256-bit AES Encryption.
· The Lockers can’t be deleted on the computer where Folder Lock is installed and Folder Lock can't be uninstalled without the correct password.
· Users who want to password protect folders on multiple locations on their hard disk, not just on the C: drive, can easily protect their files on another partition by copying the 'Lockers' from one place to another or by simply using the 'Lock' feature.
· Secure and very strong Encryption. A strong industry standard 256-bit AES Encryption is used to encrypt your files for maximum protection. It is one of the most trusted encryption algorithms used in United States Military.
· Folder Lock offers fully portability and it can even protect CD/DVD-RW, not just USB Flash Drive, Memory Stick and floppy disks. To protect data on these drives, you can simply copy or burn your Locker to that drive.
· Lockers can also be emailed to someone over the internet. They won't be able to see your encrypted files without your password / permission. Even if someone breaks through and checks your email attachment in between, he won't be able to decrypt or use this information without the correct password.
· Folder Lock works flawlessly on all Next Technology Windows, i.e. Windows Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 / NT. It is also fully compatible on all disk drives types including FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and EFS.
· You can increase the size of your Locker by simply adding more files and folders into your Locker. Even if you are left with little space in your Locker, you can always increase its size.
· Brute force cracking is not possible, since the program delays for some time once a password is entered. This will prevent hackers who may try many different combinations of passwords to get through your files. The program also produces a load beep when an incorrect password is entered, to alert the administrator of possible hack attempt.
· Password Strength meter shows you the strength of the password as you type, while you're setting a new password. Basic rule of thumb is to use a password that is easy to remember but hard one to guess.
· Folder Lock doesn't save the password in the registry or the disk, preventing hackers and crackers.
· Folder Lock also offers Auto Protect and Auto Shutdown features, this setting automatically locks or shutdown if more than five incorrect passwords are entered to try to decrypt the files.
· Folder Lock erases tracks of users when they click the lock button. It deletes recent document history, find file and folder history and the data in clipboard when you close the Locker.
· Protects important files from viruses, hackers, crackers, trojans, malware, spyware, worms, malicious programs and scripts. Protects files from network computers if you do not want to share files on network. Also protects files from hacker tools when you connect to the internet.
· While using the Lock feature, users can choose to lock & hide their files simultaneously. Locked & Hidden files are unrenameble, undeletable, unmovable and totally inaccessible. There is no limit to the size of data or the type of files you can protect.
· With its reduced file size and compact design, Folder Lock takes only 3.5 MB of hard disk space - small, portable and easy to keep. Thanks to the latest compression techniques. The GUI and interface is so well designed, it looks like an integral part of Windows XP.
· Folder Lock isn't required to run at all times. Moreover, it doesn't save anything to the registry/run so that users do not have any memory problems or stability problems with the program.
Home Page - http://www.newsoftwares.net/
Thank's : http://www.dl4all.com/
File Recover is a safe, affordable and easy-to-use file recovery solution, designed to recover and restore deleted files from hard drives, floppy drives and other types of fixed media. File Recover allows you to recover critically important documents, or other files, which have been lost by accidental deletion. These files may be lost by emptying the Recycle Bin, or using other deletion actions that bypass the Recycle Bin altogether. Such actions include Windows Shift-Delete, command line deletion, deleting excessively large files or using applications that delete files without the Recycle Bin. When a file is deleted from the Recycle Bin, or if the recycle bin is bypassed altogether, the file can no longer be recovered by the Windows Operating system. The content of the file still remains on the drive, relatively intact, until the section of the drive it occupies is overwritten by another file. File Recover identifies the contents of such lost files on the hard drive and allows you to recover them.
If a file has been partially overwritten, File Recover attempts to reconstruct as much of the file as possible with the remaining contents. This allows you to salvage at least part, if not all, of that recovered file to continue using it as required.
File Recover feature highlights :
• Recovers files instantly from hard drives, floppy drives and other types of fixed media. If you are a home user or a network administrator, File Recover fills a critical gap in your data protection strategy.
• Rapid scan engine - a typical hard drive can be scanned for recoverable files within minutes.
• Scan all files and directories on selected hard drives.
• Search for a recoverable file using part or all of its file name.
• Utilizing a non-destructive, read-only file recovery approach. File Recover will not write or make changes to the section of the drive from which it is recovering data.
• Batch file recovery (recovers multiple files in one action).
• Works around bad-sector disk areas. Recovers data where other programs fail.
• Supports standard IDE/ATA/SCSI hard drives, including drives larger than 8 GB.
• Supports hard drives formatted with Windows FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS file systems.
Operating System: Designed for Windows® 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows® Vista™ Basic, Vista™ Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows® XP Pro and XP Home
Thank's : http://www.dl4all.com/
scanned with the best,hack tools for kis may get flagged ,dont worry.
Norton av 2010
Norton internet sec,2010
kis, final
Avira premium sec,suite,
Microsoft sec.essentials for xp,1.0.1961
Microsoft sec.essentials for vist/7 1.0.1961
ESS,4.2.40 final
AVG,9.0.800,build 2779
Avast av 5.0.499 beta.
Avast Internet sec.5.0.499 beta.
scanned with the best,hack tools for kis may get flagged ,dont worry.
mount iso with deamon tools and install your desired av havent had time to test it all but pharme boy is very reputable so should be ok.browse cd enter autoplay then docs for full program hacks,keys etc
Download - FileServe
Download - Uploading
Download - Ul.to
Download - Filesonic
All links are interchangeable
Uninstall Expert | 2.92 MB | 14.89 Mb
Uninstall Expert is an easy-in-use and powerful applications that helps you to uninstall unneeded programs completely from your computer. With Uninstall Expert, users can uninstall applications much faster than Windows Add/Remove program, sometimes 5-10 times faster. Still users can pick up the "hidden" programs which can't be displayed by Windows Add/Remove program. Normally Add/Remove program can not uninstall applications completely, but Uninstall Expert can scan deeply into the computer, and then any broken registry keys and unused files on the hard disk can be removed completely.
Thank's : http://www.freshwap.net/
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