

FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE RPG RELEASE ON 2010, At this year's E3, Sony announced a few surprises to make that Final Fantasy XIV will be released next year as the "exclusive to PS3." Square Enix confirming the news to ensure that this MMORPG game will also be released for PC.
Both versions of this game will be released simultaneously in 2010. In addition, the game will support 4 languages: Japanese, English, German, and French. Furthermore, other information given is that this game will take a MMORPG setting in Eorzea.

Final Fantasy XIV will be the second title for the MMORPG type of game in this series. The first title, Final Fantasy XI, released in 2003 for the PC in 2004 and released for the PS2. In addition, in 2006, released Xbox 360 version. As the rare, this game can bring together the three different consoles to play together in the same world.
Thank's : http://game179.blogspot.com/

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